Roundtable with PwC | Moving from 'hit and hope' point solutions to impactful transformation in Financial Services
Date & Time
Wednesday, June 21, 2023, 12:45 PM - 1:15 PM
Sunil Mehta

Automation and AI have been applied to everything from payments to insurance claims, but productivity has flatlined and costs have remained stubbornly, unsustainably high. Not hard to see why financial services organizations are becoming so frustrated with the focus resting on tactical fixes for specific pain points. The underlying problem is a lack of clear, reliable data on what links in the process chain most need fixing and improving, which is leading to poor prioritization and return on investment. In short, FS organizations are firing blind. What’s needed is a data-led way to identify, visualize, and quantify the transformational opportunities that need to be addressed to create a fully informed and comparable investment case.

Location Name
Gracechurch Hub (Roundtable 2) - 4th Floor
Session Type