Enhancing customer experience and accelerating value at Santander UK and HSBC
Date & Time
Wednesday, June 21, 2023, 2:15 PM - 2:40 PM
David Taylor Duncan Beach

How can Financial Services leaders drive digital transformation, delight customers, and navigate complex regulations? Hear it from two giants in the space – Santander and HSBC. David Taylor, Head of Capacity Planning & Insight at Santander UK, shares how the company is using Celonis to understand customer journeys and identify opportunities to improve cycle times, rework, and throughput times from a retail bank perspective.Duncan Beach, Transformation Lead – Restructuring and Operational Effectiveness at HSBC, provides insights into how they are leveraging Celonis’ Process Intelligence to accelerate change across the organization.
Learn how they’re gaining real-time visibility and take action across the Know-Your-Customer space, including New to Bank, Existing to Bank, and Periodic Renewals.

Location Name
Bishopsgate Forum (Stage 1) - 3rd Floor
Session Type
Customer Session