Ofi: Unlocking Process Potential: Live Demos of Smart Mining for Streamlined Operations
Date & Time
Tuesday, June 11, 2024, 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM
Laurens Dols

Join Ofi for a pragmatic showcase at the forefront of operational excellence as they present a suite of process mining solutions designed for real-world applications in operations, turnaround, supply chain, and logistics. Witness live, hands-on demonstrations that reveal how process optimization can be seamlessly integrated into any organization, enhancing agility and efficiency across various operational landscapes. This roundtable will dive deep into the mechanics of process mining, demonstrating its power to transform standard operational practices into dynamic, optimized processes. This session is crafted for decision-makers seeking practical, actionable insights rather than a sales pitch. You’ll see first hand how these tools not only pinpoint inefficiencies but also provide intelligent recommendations to enhance decision-making and reduce turnaround times. Whether you manage a complex supply chain, oversee logistics operations, or aim to streamline everyday business workflows, Ofi demonstrations will show you the immediate benefits of implementing our advanced process mining techniques. Each demo is designed to address the unique challenges faced by modern businesses, making it clear how our solutions fit effortlessly into your existing systems to drive sustainable growth and operational excellence. Embrace the opportunity to transform your operational strategy through direct, applicable examples that demonstrate cost-effective management and optimized resource allocation—all without the pressure of a sales agenda.

Location Name
Tiger Hall
Full Address
Session Type
Product + Solution Session